Tuesday, September 15, 2009


With the looming economic downturn, it is human nature to turn to short term cost management practices but it might not be good business sense to reign in innovation. It is a tough task but as most experts might argue it is myopic to ignore innovation and growth, in other words miss the big picture. The very factors that create cost pressures may be the ones that encourage breakthrough ideas about new products, services, and processes. Infact it's only during an economic downturn that organisations are forced to think of out-of-the box cost effective solutions for their customers, that might infact be extremely relevant to their business. Maybe the best oppurtunties lie in the 'blue ocean' markets, areas outside the companies current core area of expertise.
In the wake of the dotcom bubble both Google and Apple continued to invest in new ideas despite lack of confidence in the hi-tech sector.

                       PGDM III, 'B'


Yesterday a guest lecture was taken by Mr. Sudeep Verma who is the founder, director & COO of AlmaMate Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Sudeep Verma is the co-founder of AlmaMate InfoTech. He is an outstanding technocrat and a business leader. With a career span of over 18 years in IT Industry Sudeep has led many business units and initiatives across globe.
Before founding AlmaMate Sudeep was working as global business unit head of Enterprise Applications in Birlasoft. Being part of the core team he helped in transforming the organization from 450 people to 4600 people. He started Enterprise Application practices (ERP, CRM, ITG) from scratch to take it to the top Enterprise Application service providers. He designed and managed complete IT Automation of the organization.
Sudeep has worked across globe from Asia, America, Europe, Africa and Australia with prestigious customers including Fortune-10 companies. His expertise ranges from ‘Organization Leadership’, ‘Delivery Excellence’, ‘Business Development’, ‘Creating Competency Center of Excellences’ and ‘Complete IT Automation’. Sudeep is an ERP Guru and a Six Sigma Black Belt.
Sudeep is a philanthropist and is an expert in creating world class high performing talent force. He is a fun loving person who believes in enjoying the work by creating an atmosphere of learning, sharing, mutual growth and fun.
Sudeep has done his post graduation from Institute of Engineering & Technology Lucknow and has done business leadership program from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad.

ABOUT AlmaMate Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

AlmaMate is focused on expanding the employable pool of IT graduates and make them readily deployable in the IT services industry. Currently more than 50% of the engineering graduates are not employable. However, a large pool of this unemployable workforce is trainable. AlmaMate plans to reach out to this workforce in the tier II/III colleges in the tier II/III cities and train them on live projects to give them hands-on experience to become employable as well as readily deployable.

AlmaMate is backed by professionals with deep IT services industry experience. It has a unique Project Manager & Subject Matter Expert led Live hands-on project CASE methodology modeled on NASSCOM’s NAC-Tech initiative and the IIM’s CASE approach. The objective of the training program is to transform the ‘Trainable Workforce’ into ‘Employable Workforce’ benefiting the individuals as well as addressing the larger national cause. In addition, the trained workforce becomes ‘ready to deploy’ thereby significantly reducing the on boarding costs of the IT services industry

                        PGDM III SEM, 'B'

When your passion becomes your profession :-

Hobbies are things we indulge in when we want to take a break from our daily routine. These are our passions, and delights, but we often find that they sometimes interfere with our "work-life". However, there are people who have not let their hobby interfere with their work, but have in fact made their hobby their work

Posted By: Pallavi Singh
                     PGDM III SEM, Sec 'B'

How To Manage Your Time

Time management is an art and it is certainly, not easy to perfect it. In the rush to do things on time, we often fall short of our own expectations. There is so much on our mind at any given point of time and it seems, to seek an organized life is like asking for the moon. However, once you know how to manage your time properly, things start falling into place. You will be able to fulfill all your responsibilities and will not feel frustrated due to a dearth of time for everything. Read the article for some useful tips on how to manage your time well as it is very much like managing your life.

Time Management Tips

Make A Time-Table For The Day

It might sound a little clichéd but it is the basic and most realistic way to begin with. Make a time-table for yourself listing the tasks that you have to complete in a day. It is like a to-do list which will keep reminding you what’s on the agenda for the day. If you struggle to remember things, a time-table will be of immense help. Accordingly, one can set deadlines for accomplishing one’s tasks. However, it is also mandatory to stick to your time-table to achieve the desired results.


Setting your priorities right is very important for being able to manage your time. Determine your priorities to know things that are to be done on a priority basis and what can be delayed for the later part of the day or the week. Sticking to the time-table will not help much if one fails to determine the order in which the tasks are to be done. You may not be able to finish off everything within the stipulated time limit and therefore, it is advisable to begin with tasks that you can’t afford to procrastinate.

Pitch In All The Factors

Sometimes, we fail to factor in, the transportation time and preparation required to get ready to perform a task. In that case, our task will take more time that what we might have assumed and consequentially, we’ll struggle to stick to the time table we have prepared. It is important to mull over all such factors which are capable of eating away a considerable time.

Delegate Responsibilities

Due to a paucity of time, it becomes important to delegate your chores than assuming that no one can do things better than you. It is not a wise thing to do, if managing time is your call. Delegation of responsibilities to juniors and colleagues will be, especially, beneficial at the official level.

Take A Breather

Don’t drown yourself in the sea of responsibilities you have to carry out. You will end up feeling stressed out and totally spent. In a day filled with a maddening flurry of activities, it is essential to take a time-out or break to rejuvenate yourself. Always remember that working to the limit is not the sole aim of your existence. Take a breather, whenever necessary.
                                                                                                                                                       Posted by:
                                                                                                                                                                       ASHWANI SUHALKA
                                                                                                                                                                            PGDM 3 rd Sem

Govt threatens to flush down funding

BANGALORE: Rural development and panchayat raj minister Shobha Kharandlaje on Monday said the government will stop funding gram panchayats if open
defecation does not stop.

Speaking at a two-day workshop on rural sanitation, the minister said the sanitation programme has to be compulsorily implemented at least at the household level in the state. "I am instituting a state award called Nairmalya at village, taluk and district levels, to encourage proper implementation of sanitation programmes. Due to lack of awareness, toilets are not properly utilized in rural areas. We have found people using them as cattle sheds in some villages. We can save half our health budget if we properly implement sanitation programmes because that is what leads to so many diseases,'' said Shobha.

With this initiative, Karnataka has a sanitation coverage of 38.79%. Some of the worst affected district owing to lack of implementation of sanitation programmes are Gulbarga, Bijapur, Raichur, Tumkur, Chamrajnagar, Kolar, Bellary and Mandya.


famous words

"virtue is like a rich stone"

"revenge is a kind of wild justise"

"studies serve for delite, for ornament and for ability"

"man fear death as childrens fear to go in dark"

"some books are tasted, some are to be swallowed, some are to be chewed and some are digested"

Sudeep Singh
III rd sem.

Monday, September 14, 2009



1. "Experience is the comb that nature gives us when we are bald."

2. “It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice”

3. "Doubts are far more cruel than the worst of truths."

4. "Don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones."

5. "One who looks for a friend without faults will have none."

6. "Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you stop pedaling."

7. "It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final"

8. "What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect on all our tomorrows."

9. "Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself."

10. "You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it."