Monday, September 14, 2009

Turning failures to opportunities
Failures could be converted into opportunities in just 5 simple steps:-

1. Do What You Love
It is hard to argue with this one. Have you ever found anyone that is successful doing something they hate? I guess you can take the definition of success to any extreme, but I have a hard time accepting that anyone living in misery doing something they hate can be called successful. Naturally, doing what you love gets you the motivation and the excitement required to achieve success. In fact, for many, doing what you love is success in and of itself.
2. Perfect Your Game
If your definition of success is being great at something, then studies have shown that the secret to success is to practice to perfect your game. These studies even argue that natural talent is irrelevant, and that it is all about the practice. Regarless of which side of the nature versus nurture argument you sympathize with, most people will agree that in order to be successful you have to perfect your game.
3. Be Unique
It is hard to imagine a clone being a symbol of success. Success is about bringing your own unique ways to the world, adding diversity and value. Most experts will agree that if you want to be successful you have to find you niche, you have to find ways to leverage your own unique gifts. Success, even in its very definition, is about your own unique perspective in our vast universe.
4. Believe in Yourself
I am yet to find a successful person that does not believe in himself. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Studies have shown that success is influenced by your mindset. Successful people believe that they can get better through their own efforts. If you want to be successful, start believing in yourself.

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