Tuesday, September 15, 2009


With the looming economic downturn, it is human nature to turn to short term cost management practices but it might not be good business sense to reign in innovation. It is a tough task but as most experts might argue it is myopic to ignore innovation and growth, in other words miss the big picture. The very factors that create cost pressures may be the ones that encourage breakthrough ideas about new products, services, and processes. Infact it's only during an economic downturn that organisations are forced to think of out-of-the box cost effective solutions for their customers, that might infact be extremely relevant to their business. Maybe the best oppurtunties lie in the 'blue ocean' markets, areas outside the companies current core area of expertise.
In the wake of the dotcom bubble both Google and Apple continued to invest in new ideas despite lack of confidence in the hi-tech sector.

                       PGDM III, 'B'


Yesterday a guest lecture was taken by Mr. Sudeep Verma who is the founder, director & COO of AlmaMate Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Sudeep Verma is the co-founder of AlmaMate InfoTech. He is an outstanding technocrat and a business leader. With a career span of over 18 years in IT Industry Sudeep has led many business units and initiatives across globe.
Before founding AlmaMate Sudeep was working as global business unit head of Enterprise Applications in Birlasoft. Being part of the core team he helped in transforming the organization from 450 people to 4600 people. He started Enterprise Application practices (ERP, CRM, ITG) from scratch to take it to the top Enterprise Application service providers. He designed and managed complete IT Automation of the organization.
Sudeep has worked across globe from Asia, America, Europe, Africa and Australia with prestigious customers including Fortune-10 companies. His expertise ranges from ‘Organization Leadership’, ‘Delivery Excellence’, ‘Business Development’, ‘Creating Competency Center of Excellences’ and ‘Complete IT Automation’. Sudeep is an ERP Guru and a Six Sigma Black Belt.
Sudeep is a philanthropist and is an expert in creating world class high performing talent force. He is a fun loving person who believes in enjoying the work by creating an atmosphere of learning, sharing, mutual growth and fun.
Sudeep has done his post graduation from Institute of Engineering & Technology Lucknow and has done business leadership program from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad.

ABOUT AlmaMate Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

AlmaMate is focused on expanding the employable pool of IT graduates and make them readily deployable in the IT services industry. Currently more than 50% of the engineering graduates are not employable. However, a large pool of this unemployable workforce is trainable. AlmaMate plans to reach out to this workforce in the tier II/III colleges in the tier II/III cities and train them on live projects to give them hands-on experience to become employable as well as readily deployable.

AlmaMate is backed by professionals with deep IT services industry experience. It has a unique Project Manager & Subject Matter Expert led Live hands-on project CASE methodology modeled on NASSCOM’s NAC-Tech initiative and the IIM’s CASE approach. The objective of the training program is to transform the ‘Trainable Workforce’ into ‘Employable Workforce’ benefiting the individuals as well as addressing the larger national cause. In addition, the trained workforce becomes ‘ready to deploy’ thereby significantly reducing the on boarding costs of the IT services industry

                        PGDM III SEM, 'B'

When your passion becomes your profession :-

Hobbies are things we indulge in when we want to take a break from our daily routine. These are our passions, and delights, but we often find that they sometimes interfere with our "work-life". However, there are people who have not let their hobby interfere with their work, but have in fact made their hobby their work

Posted By: Pallavi Singh
                     PGDM III SEM, Sec 'B'

How To Manage Your Time

Time management is an art and it is certainly, not easy to perfect it. In the rush to do things on time, we often fall short of our own expectations. There is so much on our mind at any given point of time and it seems, to seek an organized life is like asking for the moon. However, once you know how to manage your time properly, things start falling into place. You will be able to fulfill all your responsibilities and will not feel frustrated due to a dearth of time for everything. Read the article for some useful tips on how to manage your time well as it is very much like managing your life.

Time Management Tips

Make A Time-Table For The Day

It might sound a little clichéd but it is the basic and most realistic way to begin with. Make a time-table for yourself listing the tasks that you have to complete in a day. It is like a to-do list which will keep reminding you what’s on the agenda for the day. If you struggle to remember things, a time-table will be of immense help. Accordingly, one can set deadlines for accomplishing one’s tasks. However, it is also mandatory to stick to your time-table to achieve the desired results.


Setting your priorities right is very important for being able to manage your time. Determine your priorities to know things that are to be done on a priority basis and what can be delayed for the later part of the day or the week. Sticking to the time-table will not help much if one fails to determine the order in which the tasks are to be done. You may not be able to finish off everything within the stipulated time limit and therefore, it is advisable to begin with tasks that you can’t afford to procrastinate.

Pitch In All The Factors

Sometimes, we fail to factor in, the transportation time and preparation required to get ready to perform a task. In that case, our task will take more time that what we might have assumed and consequentially, we’ll struggle to stick to the time table we have prepared. It is important to mull over all such factors which are capable of eating away a considerable time.

Delegate Responsibilities

Due to a paucity of time, it becomes important to delegate your chores than assuming that no one can do things better than you. It is not a wise thing to do, if managing time is your call. Delegation of responsibilities to juniors and colleagues will be, especially, beneficial at the official level.

Take A Breather

Don’t drown yourself in the sea of responsibilities you have to carry out. You will end up feeling stressed out and totally spent. In a day filled with a maddening flurry of activities, it is essential to take a time-out or break to rejuvenate yourself. Always remember that working to the limit is not the sole aim of your existence. Take a breather, whenever necessary.
                                                                                                                                                       Posted by:
                                                                                                                                                                       ASHWANI SUHALKA
                                                                                                                                                                            PGDM 3 rd Sem

Govt threatens to flush down funding

BANGALORE: Rural development and panchayat raj minister Shobha Kharandlaje on Monday said the government will stop funding gram panchayats if open
defecation does not stop.

Speaking at a two-day workshop on rural sanitation, the minister said the sanitation programme has to be compulsorily implemented at least at the household level in the state. "I am instituting a state award called Nairmalya at village, taluk and district levels, to encourage proper implementation of sanitation programmes. Due to lack of awareness, toilets are not properly utilized in rural areas. We have found people using them as cattle sheds in some villages. We can save half our health budget if we properly implement sanitation programmes because that is what leads to so many diseases,'' said Shobha.

With this initiative, Karnataka has a sanitation coverage of 38.79%. Some of the worst affected district owing to lack of implementation of sanitation programmes are Gulbarga, Bijapur, Raichur, Tumkur, Chamrajnagar, Kolar, Bellary and Mandya.


famous words

"virtue is like a rich stone"

"revenge is a kind of wild justise"

"studies serve for delite, for ornament and for ability"

"man fear death as childrens fear to go in dark"

"some books are tasted, some are to be swallowed, some are to be chewed and some are digested"

Sudeep Singh
III rd sem.

Monday, September 14, 2009



1. "Experience is the comb that nature gives us when we are bald."

2. “It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice”

3. "Doubts are far more cruel than the worst of truths."

4. "Don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones."

5. "One who looks for a friend without faults will have none."

6. "Life is like riding a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you stop pedaling."

7. "It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final"

8. "What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect on all our tomorrows."

9. "Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself."

10. "You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it."
POSITIVE BODY LANGUAGE IS MUST:-                                                                                                                                                                                                                      It's no secret that the secret to success is acting like you are successful already. Having good body language is like two voices proclaiming your praises instead of one. In addition, people are always more likely to remember what they see, and a few seconds of body movement can be worth an entire interview of words. But how does one go about getting better body language? Read the following tips to get a better idea of how to sell yourself using your posture and expression:
Stand Straight Slouching gives the impression that you have something to hide. For this reason, many evil cartoon characters are given hunches and furtive, huddling walks. Keep your head up and smile as you walk. Relax, and let your arms hang at your sides. This walk will give someone the impression that you have nothing to hide, and that you are used to being listened to.

Show Animation
Use your hands while you speak. Making hand motions increases the chances that people will pay attention to you. Also, being animated helps someone get excited about a project or story that you are describing to them. Excitement spreads, if there is someone to spread it.

Pay Attention

One of the key aspects of good body language is paying attention to someone, and also looking like you are paying attention. Nodding the head occasionally and making positive remarks will let someone know that you are interested in what they are saying. Take notes, if that is appropriate.

Speak Carefully and Slowly

When someone is nervous or unsure of themselves, they often tend to speak at a rapid pace. Speaking slowly and calmly will give someone a sense of your calm. Speaking at a moderate pace will make you look, feel and act more confident.

Make Eye Contact

Looking someone in the eye is an easy way to let them know that you are confident. Because this look is traditionally challenging, it sends the message that you are not afraid to stand up for your goals. Try not to meet the eye for too long. Maintain contact for as long as you feel is necessary, and then look somewhere else.
Keep your Body Relaxed
Tension spreads through people. When someone is nervous and tense, other people have that same sense of urgency. Take deep breaths and let yourself relax before an important meeting or date. Let arms hang loose and keep shoulders and head in a relaxed and straight position.

Break the Invisible Wall

People often keep a sphere of personal space around themselves. Stepping into this space for a minute will help gain confidence. Touching a hand, shoulder or shaking hands with a firm grasp are all signs of confidence and strength.

Use Decisive Movements

The more you appear to be in charge, the more people will approve of you. Keep your movement brisk and to the point, and you will appear to get many things done at once.
                                                                 Posted by:
                                                                                   ASHWANI SUHALKA
                                                                                         PGDM 3rd Sem
4 Magical Ways To Build Self Confidence :
You have probably noticed those people at work, school, and in your daily life that always appear to be self confident and on top of world.
Everything seems to go right for these people and they always seem to present themselves as calm, collected and successful in everything they do.
If you are paying attention you have probably noticed that these self confident people usually are successful in every area of their lives.

Is this because they are smarter? Or is it because they have more money? Maybe they are just lucky?
The reality is that none of these things are necessarily true. Self confident people understand the impact of believing in themselves and relying on their abilities.
This confidence ultimately creates opportunities for success and with each new success another self confidence building block is put into place. Success builds upon success reinforcing self confidence with each new achievement.

Self confident people perceive themselves as able to achieve those things they set out to do and this perception creates reality in their lives.

Yes, perception creates reality. You can become the person you want to be. You have heard it said that if you can believe it you can achieve it.

So start believing in yourself, acting on that belief and you will start building self confidence in your life.

Here are some helpful tips to build self confidence one success at a time.

1. Make a list of your strong points.

All the positive things about yourself and the things that you are good at doing. Think of compliments you have received or things that come easily to you. It doesn't matter what it is, if it's good, write it down.

2. Choose two of those things that you want to work on to improve even more.

It's important to succeed and by concentrating on the areas you are already good at you will have a better chance of becoming even more sure of yourself. Remember that success builds upon success.

3. Exude confidence even if you don't feel like it.

Talk to yourself in an encouraging way and stay away from negative thoughts and people as you can.

Instead surround yourself with positive, confident, and successful people. This will become a habit and one that will build confidence.

4. Look at yourself in a different way than you are used to doing.

It can change your life and help your confidence level to rise. See yourself as the self confident person you want to be and before you know it you will become that person.

If you have a set-back do not let it get the best of you. Remember the times when you exhibited self confidence and how good it felt and then try again and each time will help you to build confidence and confidence building will become a way of life.

                                                                                                                                         Posted by:
                                                                                                                                                          ASHWANI SUHALKA
                                                                                                                                                                 PGDM 3rd Sem
Turning failures to opportunities
Failures could be converted into opportunities in just 5 simple steps:-

1. Do What You Love
It is hard to argue with this one. Have you ever found anyone that is successful doing something they hate? I guess you can take the definition of success to any extreme, but I have a hard time accepting that anyone living in misery doing something they hate can be called successful. Naturally, doing what you love gets you the motivation and the excitement required to achieve success. In fact, for many, doing what you love is success in and of itself.
2. Perfect Your Game
If your definition of success is being great at something, then studies have shown that the secret to success is to practice to perfect your game. These studies even argue that natural talent is irrelevant, and that it is all about the practice. Regarless of which side of the nature versus nurture argument you sympathize with, most people will agree that in order to be successful you have to perfect your game.
3. Be Unique
It is hard to imagine a clone being a symbol of success. Success is about bringing your own unique ways to the world, adding diversity and value. Most experts will agree that if you want to be successful you have to find you niche, you have to find ways to leverage your own unique gifts. Success, even in its very definition, is about your own unique perspective in our vast universe.
4. Believe in Yourself
I am yet to find a successful person that does not believe in himself. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Studies have shown that success is influenced by your mindset. Successful people believe that they can get better through their own efforts. If you want to be successful, start believing in yourself.
Are You A Focused Trainer?


Historically, an organization's training initiatives, in particular the 'softer-side,' have been easily removed during times of cost-cutting. However, in our recent client work across industry sectors, Lane4 has noticed a significant shift in this trend. Rather than being cut entirely, training budgets are subject to the same treatment as other business budgets, and are being trimmed.

We are seeing certain training funds ring-fenced for 'must do' activity, and naturally, critical skill training is high on the priority list. What human resources directors and budget advisers are neglecting are the perceived 'softer' skills fundamental to surviving, and even thriving, in tough times.

Much of our recent work with clients has focused on developing organizational resilience, a dynamic process that enables organizations to react and adapt positively when faced with adversity. It is not just about survival, but about being able to manage change effectively by finding and seizing opportunities.
With this in mind, and the reality of fewer funds at HR's disposal, it's more crucial than ever that training initiatives are tailored and made explicitly relevant to the economic climate. In this way they can provide the tools and support that enable people to adopt the right behaviors to perform in tough conditions.

In also understanding the trimmed nature of budgets, organizations must focus their investment on key leaders and stakeholders who are best positioned to role model critical behaviors to the rest of their employees. Training and supporting key individuals creates a 'trickle down' effect that influences other team members to behave and perform similarly. This creates an internal positive momentum and builds resilience to both combat adversity and raise performance.

Posted By : Pallavi Singh
                   PGDM III Sem, Sec ' B '

"Indians use more sugar despite high prices"

Despite high prices the country's total sugar consumption is estimated to have jumped by 15 lakh tonnes this year. The sugar consumption of India -- the world's largest consumer of the sweetener -- is estimated to have reached 233 lakh tonnes in 2008-09 season (October-September) from 218 lakh tonnes in the previous year, according to official data.
As high as 65 per cent of the total sugar is consumed by bulk consumers like food processing units and the remaining is sold through the retail market where prices have reached at Rs 35-40 a kg from about Rs 16-17 a kg a year ago.
The consumption data is based on the quantity of sugar released by the Food Ministry in both open market as well as through ration shops. The sugar sector is controlled by the government from establishing a plant to bringing the sweetener into the market.
The center has allocated 205.44 lakh tonnes of sugar in the open market (called as non-levy sugar), while 23.38 lakh tonnes of levy sugar has been distributed through the public distribution system in the current season ending September 30.
Of the total allocation made during the year, about 150 lakh tonnes were from this season's production while the remaining 100 lakh tonnes were from the carry-over stock and imports.

 P.G.D.M.-1st sem
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.-

Albert Einstein.

Before god we are all equally wise and equally foolish- Albert Einstein

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value-

Albert Einstein

Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.-


History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.-

Napolean Bonaparte

There is only one success- to be able to spend your life in your own way-


The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will-


A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time-


Patience with others is Love, patience with self is Hope and patience with God is Faith-


By : Radha Sharma
PGDM Sec. - A


Sharing of ideas and thoughts is considered as the most important task in todays scenario. Being a mgt. student its quite important to carry out onself according to the new trends in the market.

A new innitiative has been taken by our college to keep us upgrade in each and every aspect. Bloggings is being introduced to the students so as to be in touch with the latest events.

We from all the students of PGDM wants to thank for giving us the opportunity for expressing ourself and sharing the latest in the business world as well as in the educational sector and adding feathers to our knowldege.
HATS OFF TO IIMT college of mgt Gr Noida

Posted By: Pallavi Singh

PGDM III Sem, Sec 'B'

A INDUSTRIAL VISIT was held by the IIMT college of management on 13 September i.e. on Saturday.

Hindustan Times (HT) is one of India's leading newspapers, published since 1924 with roots in the independence movement.Hindustan Times was founded in 1924 by Master Sunder Singh Lyallpuri, founder-father of the Akali Movement and the Shiromani Akali Dal in Punjab.HT has a good track record at the IFRA and has won several awards this year

With the help of this visit students got the following benefits:

1- Students came to know that how work is performed in the industry by the HR's, engineers and other employees involved in vaious fields.

2- About the process carried by the management so as to achieve its target.

3- Here work is being done from printing to packaging of the newspaper and sending to the customers.

Students reach there at 4 o clock and came back by 5 o' clock with full satisfaction.

They interacted with the HR persons as well as different engineers.

This was all about the industrial visit made by or college

Posted by:- Pallavi Singh

(PGDM III Sem, Sec- 'b' )


DATE :12/9/09

INDUSTRIAL VISIT held in IIMT college of management on 12 September students got knowledge about industry how it works. What are its management process and how people work there.HT is total automated plant from printing to packaging in bags. Students reach there at 3'o clock and they take knowledge by the HR persons and different engineers. They were very much co operative and they also insure the students that if there is any query in future they will help them.
So it is very beneficial for all the students.


Commonwealth Games boost from new business club

A new club that was formed to help companies make the most of the opportunities that are created when major events like the Commonwealth Games are held in Scotland has started generating business for its members.
Jane Gotts, programme director of BusinessClub Scotland, said members had started to feel the benefit in the form of contracts worth more than £130,000 connected with the recent Open golf championship at Turnberry and an undisclosed amount in relation to the 2014 Commonwealth games.
While the Scottish Government-backed club is only seven months old, Gotts said 1600 members had signed up to benefit from the access to contracts and networking opportunities on offer.
Results to date show the club could have a valuable role to play in helping firms win business at a time when many have been hit hard by the recession.
She is confident that the club could also help firms win skills in areas like procurement that could help them compete more effectively in the huge market to provide services for the public sector.
Lobbyists have long complained that the complexities of bidding for work in this market disadvantage small and mediuum sized enterprises.
Launched with £200,000 support from the Scottish Government, BusinessClub Scotland highlights events that are coming to Scotland that are likely to generate commercial opportunities. It also facilitates networking events.
Members that won business connected with The Open included hotel operators and firms providing signage and infrastructure.
Around 100 members were able to access tickets for the event which some used to entertain potential clients.
The Commonwealth Games in 2014 will be a major focus of the club’s efforts. However, Gotts stressed it would also be highlighting events that many firms may not be aware of, like the inaugural Rally of Scotland motoring event which will be held in November.
“Until the club was set up there was no way of letting businesses know that events were coming into the country,” said Gotts.
“BusinessClub Scotland exists to ensure that businesses from all sizes, from all sectors and across Scotland can capitalise on the economic opportunities from our world class events programme.”
Gotts said backers hoped the club might have a lasting impact on business in Scotland.
By helping firms access opportunities created by sporting events the club could help them develop knowledge, skills and contacts that could help them win work from the public sector well into the future.

Jet Airways to operate at full capacity from today

MUMBAI: The five-day agitation by Jet Airways pilots owing allegiance to the National Aviators’ Guild was called off on Sunday morning after hectic talks between the management and Guild officials.
The pilots, including the four who were sacked, will resume duties. All international flights will resume immediately, and domestic flights by Monday afternoon.
A Jet Airways statement said an amicable agreement was reached and, effective Sunday, the airline would operate its full schedule of services in all sectors, with all crew members reporting for their normal rostered duties.
Prior to the stand-off, Jet’s revenue was around $8 million a day (Rs. 40 crore). It has lost Rs. 200 crore in five days. On an average, Jet carries 23,000 passengers a day, but bookings dropped to 14,000 on September 8, and further down to 7,000 by September 12.
Addressing journalists, Jet Executive Director Saroj Dutta said that after the discussions, a consultative group was put in place. It would include two Jet Airways Board members, the CEO, two representatives of flight operations and five representatives of the pilots. Captain Girish Kaushik, president of the Guild, apologised to the passengers for the hardship they faced and thanked the management for taking back the four sacked pilots.
Mr. Dutta said the consultative body would address the issues of the management and pilots in every area of concern. “It will deal with almost all issues one would normally expect a union to deal with the management. There is no need for a union at all, as the consultative body will address all issues. However, we have just set up the body and are yet to work out the terms of reference.”
Jet’s Chief Commercial Officer Sudheer Raghavan told The Hindu: “We have immediately started international operations because most bookings were made more than a month ago. For domestic operations, all flights and pilots are available, but because of the situation and because bookings are made a week in advance, we will be operating at full capacity from late afternoon tomorrow [Monday]. In the past few hours though, there has been a ferocious rush for bookings.” Discount fares
PTI reports:
Jet has announced a 50 per cent discount on its total fare in economy class for domestic flights.
The discount fares are inclusive of basic fare and fuel surcharge but are not inclusive of Airport Development Fee, User Development Fee and passenger service fee, a company release said.
Travel should be availed by September 18.

Reliance Industries duping government: Anil Ambani firm

The Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG) on Sunday accused the Mukesh Ambani-headed Reliance Industries of charging an "illegal and unauthorised" marketing margin on sale of gas from the Krishna-Godvari hydrocarbon basin.
This, it said, would result in an additional burden of Rs 10, 000 crore on the government.
"Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is charging an illegal and unauthorised "marketing margin" of 13.5 cents (Rs 6.6) per million btu on the sale of gas from its KG Basin D-6 fields. This accounts for over three per cent of the price at which gas is being sold," said JP Chalasani, chief executive of Reliance Power, an R-ADAG company.
According to Chalasani, RIL does not have an approval from the Petroleum Ministry or the empowered group of ministers (EGoM) to levy this additional charge.
"RIL's marketing margin has, in fact, not been subjected to any process of official scrutiny at all," he said.
"The so-called marketing margin is nothing but a device illegally adopted by RIL to charge a higher sale price, without even paying the lawful share of such revenues to the government," Chalasani said.
"Based on this higher sales price, the government should at least get a higher share of profit petroleum -- in addition to royalty -- as per the production sharing contract.
Shockingly, even this is not happening, and the entire benefit of over Rs 10,000 crore is going to RIL alone." The R-ADAG group has also charged the petroleum ministry with acting in collusion with Reliance Industries.
"The petroleum ministry has categorically denied giving permission to RIL to charge any such marketing margin. It is, therefore, all the more surprising that the petroleum ministry is taking no steps to immediately prevent RIL from charging this illegal levy," said Chalasani.
"This once again strengthens the apprehensions about the biased and partisan approach of petroleum ministry."
Maintaining that RIL's illegal levy of marketing margin is a "double whammy", Chalasanai said: "On one hand, the government is denied its lawful share of the additional sales realisation generated by RIL through this levy, and on the other hand the government also has to eventually pay for this additional burden in the form of enhanced subsidy for the fertiliser and power sectors."
This, he said, was "a shocking case of illegal transfer of over Rs 10,000 crore from government coffers to RIL".
"The major burden will be borne by the government of India in the form of fertiliser subsidies and the governments of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat in the form of power subsidies," said Chalasani.
He said Reliance Industries was selling the gas without using any market intermediary to customers identified by the government, which made the term "marketing margin" a "complete contradiction".
"There is no element of marketing involved - there can be no question of the levy of a marketing margin," said Chalasani.
He also drew a parallel between state-owned gas utility GAIL, which was not permitted to charge any such marketing margin.
"GAIL is not permitted to charge any marketing margin on the supply of gas to government's identified customers under the administered price mechanism (APM) whereas the private monopoly gas supplier RIL is blatantly charging the same," said Chalasani.
Reliance Industries is locked in a legal battle with both Reliance Natural Resources, part of the R-ADAG group, and state-owned power utility NTPC over pricing disputes and breach of contract.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

technical business layout

techniquecal business

Global economy slowly returning to normalcy: PM

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday set the agenda for the Planning Commission to find ways and means to ensure that India gets

back to the high economic growth path and secures its rising appetite for energy.

"We have been through a difficult year because of the global economic downturn, which is only now coming to an end with a slow return to normalcy in the months that lie ahead. The country has also seen a poor monsoon," the Prime Minister said.

"I felt it would be useful for the Planning Commission to present its assessment of the overall economic situation to the Minister Members of the Commission," he told a meeting here of the full plan panel, of which he is chairman.

The meeting, attended by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, agriculture minister Sharad Pawar, power minister Sushilkumar Shinde and Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, among other key policymakers, also reviewed India's energy policy.

"Energy is vital to our economic growth. This is an area where we are a deficit economy. We import over 70 percent of our petroleum energy needs and are also moving to a deficit position in coal," Manmohan Singh said.

"Rational energy policies are critical for rational responses to the threat of climate change. This is a new compulsion. We need to assess whether we are on track in critical aspects of our energy policy."

He said each energy sub-sector in India was the domain of a different ministry, which often meant non-symmetric policy stance. In other words, principles adopted to determine policy in one sector are not the same as in another.

He, accordingly, called for a proper assessment of how the country's Integrated Energy Policy, approved by the government in December last year, was being implemented so that changes can be made accordingly.

This is the first meeting of the full Planning Commission since the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government was voted back and comes against the backdrop of India logging a 6.1 percent growth in the first quarter of this fiscal but now facing one of the worst droughts in decades.

IT's back to business as hiring, hikes return

Six months ago, Indian IT looked like it was staring into a long, dark tunnel—one that might take at least a year to get out of. Today, however,

there’s already a hint of a light at the other end.

Information infrastructure company EMC has just announced that it will invest $1.5 billion in India over the next five years, a level of investment from a single company that the sector has not seen in close to two years.
Manpower supply company TeamLease that saw its open positions drop dramatically from 10,000 a month to 800 post the Wall Street crash, has in the past two months seen those numbers rise to 3,500. Wipro has lifted its freeze on hikes and promotions, at least for some employees.

Partha Iyengar, regional research director in Gartner India, says the number of calls the company gets from customers for directions and consulting has gone up sharply in the last 3-4 months, “indicating that a large number of IT deals will hit the pipeline in the next two quarters”.

The Indian IT industry was one of the worst hit by the recession on account of its almost complete dependence on international markets—especially the US and Europe. The freeze on IT budgets by companies around the world meant that new orders dried up. Industry association Nasscom initially forecast that IT exports would grow by 22-24% in 2008-09, but as the recession deepened, this was revised down to 16%. For this fiscal, the association has projected a mere 4-7% growth to $48-50 billion.

But optimism is making a tentative return. “That phase of drastic downturn is behind us,” says S Ramadorai, CEO of Tata Consultancy Services, India’s biggest IT company. “There’s stability now. The deal pipeline is encouraging, but the time it takes to close a deal remains long. And many customers are yet to fully open up their IT budgets.”

Ashok Reddy, MD of TeamLease Services, says employee rationalisation measures have tapered off. “Hiring is slowly returning, more so in the temporary hiring space,” he says. The badly hit banking and finance vertical now accounts for a quarter of TeamLease’s open positions. Sachi Gerlitz, CEO of IT services firm Ness Technologies, remains cautious though: “Things have improved quite a bit, but nobody has a crystal ball. Everyone is sending mixed signals. But whatever it may be, enterprises should continue to invest, to reap the benefit when markets start looking up

Thursday, September 10, 2009


As the environment of organization-including economic, political, competitive, regulatory, and cultural factors becomes more complex, there is an increased demand for managers with the necessary skills, understanding, courage, and energy to tackle the difficult demands facing organizations of all kinds. To be a successful manager, an individual need skills in decision-making, financial analysis, and interpersonal relationships. He also needs the ability to apply those skills in a context of constraints, opportunities, and alternatives. Professional management programs are based on the premise that people can learn to manage all types of business situations more effectively. MBA programs not only help their students to develop skills that are highly valued by many employers, but the programs also present a theoretical context for solving many business problems.
The purpose of an MBA education is to provide training in the theory and practice of business management. An MBA is an effective tool to, o To change your career o To start your own business o To gain the competitive edge in a competitive world o To develop technical expertise and business savvy quickly o To advance your career o To gain valuable networking resources o To enhance your financial position o To enjoy greater job security o To enjoy greater job satisfaction and self satisfaction o To become a leader in an emerging field o To develop your personality as a whole.



Think about money, fame and limitless success and what are the names that come to your mind? Be it the Ambanis, the Birlas, the Tatas or the owner of the United Breweries – the stylish Vijay Malliya, they all possess certain qualities that makes them truly exceptional. Of course, some of them had the good fortune to have been born with a silver spoon in the mouth but despite that there are few common “power” traits that added to their wealth and catapulted them to the pinnacle of financial prowess. The good news for you is that you don’t need to have been born a billionaire to develop these traits. So what are they? Let’s find out.
1) Passion
People who are really successful often possess a passion and zest for life that they channel into each and every endeavor they pursue. Anybody, wherever he may be placed financially can easily embrace this trait simply by boosting the level of enthusiasm he possesses, when it comes to fulfilling his immediate career goals as well as working towards any long-term goals that he may have set. Often, it just means getting more excited about anything that you feel needs to be accomplished.
2) Focus
You are focused when you have your eyes set on the golden goose. You are focused when you know that something important is at stake. To become truly focused in your life, you have to create that something important. If you feel that your life (by which I mean your career) is stagnating, create a few goals. Enroll for additional classes. Start gunning for a possible promotion, or plan to start your own venture. This is also an excellent way of approaching the goals towards which you don’t feel like working. When you get into this habit of being victorious in achieving the goals you have set, you will become focused towards everything in life.
3) Time Management
Wasting time acts as the biggest impediment, slowing you in your quest for success. To be successful, you have to make every second of your time count, and focus hard on completing the tasks which will help get that much closer towards your overall target. There is absolutely no reason for you to allow interruptions and distractions in your life, which will only deter you from achieving your goals. Successful people often force themselves to ignore anything that they perceive as a potential setbacks, be it from their peers, friends, or even their family. You have to realize that though these things have their own importance in life, the amount of time you devote to them shouldn’t cross the border of wastage.
4) List-Building
People who are successful know exactly what they need to work on the next day, even before they retire to bed the night before. There is hardly ever a minute of their day that they wont be able to account for because exceptional individuals with proven streaks of success always make it a point to compile a list of goals that need to be achieved by the end of next day. So, before retiring for the night, try making it a habit to create a task list of around five to six tasks, and arrange them in order of their importance. Then, the next day you will know exactly which work should you start your day with. The best part about this is the feeling of achievement as you keep scratching down tasks and continue down the list. This is a very simple exercise to help people to stop procrastinating and get out of the habit of delaying important tasks.
5) Don’t Wait
Those who are successful, never wait for the right time, and instead jump straight into the fray and turn the tide of time in their favor. Waiting for the perfect moment to occur is just another excuse of inaction. People usually choose to wait for the right time when they feel disinclined to do a certain task or take up a particular responsibility. For such people, the hardest part of becoming successful is not achieving their goal but reaching the starting point.
6) Keep Going
Those who allow themselves to be labeled as quitters are never able to achieve success. Why do people quit trying? They do so because they can’t egg on their spirits to keep going – NO MATTER WHAT! I know of someone who’s now heading one of the biggest Chartered Accountant firms in Delhi, but couldn’t manage to clear his chartered accountancy test before the tenth attempt. He failed for nine consecutive times before he managed to finally get through. The moral of the story – If you have set yourself a goal, keep at it, irrespective of the obstacles you face.
7) Embrace Opportunity
Successful people have a habit of grabbing on to every opportunity that comes their way. Such opportunities, when they come in the lives of ordinary people, often go begging, because people often lack the conviction and the courage to reach out to them. There isn’t a lot of difference between taking calculated risks and embracing opportunities. To be truly successful, you must have the courage to pile up the stakes and take a few chances.
Overall, successful people are those who believe in action and constant progress. Such individuals have huge dreams and chase them, brushing away all obstacles from their path. So, no matter what your individual goal is, your success is assured if you inculcate some of these above mentioned traits.




Guest Lecture by Mr. Bijendra Sengar

History has been witness to the fact that genius inspires genious.
Mr. Bijendra Sengar, Senior Retail Manager, IDBI, delivered a guest lecture on 09.09.09 on the topic "STOCK MARKET AND IT'S IMPLICATIONS ON INDIAN ECONOMY" and cleared the air for the students who were enlightened on various tools & key terms related to the stock market and its functioning.
It was more of an interacting session as there was lots of questions thrown on him by the young budding managers of IIMT.
PGDM 3rd sem.
(SEC. A)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Snooping: The latest office evil!

Secure at your work station? Well, here’s news for you. In a recent survey, a sizeable 35 percent of IT professionals admitted to snooping
Snooping: The latest office fad
Snooping: The latest office fad (Getty Images)
around their colleagues and a whopping 74 percent said they accessed information that wasn’t relevant to them at all.

And, a majority of employees are in complete agreement with this survey. Starts off process engineer Ashish Kumar from CTS, “Snooping is there at all levels. These days, you can’t even leave your mailbox unattended, because I’ve had friends who have had important mails deleted. In fact, I hear some people from certain other companies even sell confidential information to others for a price.”

systems analyst Deepa George at TCS adds, “People go through others’ letters and correspondences and log on to systems belonging to others. They misuse and mishandle data. If these snoopers leak information from your mailbox, you can get pulled up by the authorities. So if you aren’t extremely cautious about your password, you’re pretty much done for it!”

The study found that the things that are most pried around for are customer databases, salary details, layoff lists and marketing information.
So, what are the common snooping techniques that these nosy Parkers adopt? Project manager Anagha Suresh reveals, “Pretending to not listen to a telephone conversation, when they actually are and glancing at neighbours’ PCs when they open important mails are very common. Going through material that may be placed on a colleague’s desk and reading printouts that belong to others but are still in the printer tray are also rampant.”

But, why have the rates of snooping risen? Have our IT professionals been simply bitten hard by the curiosity cat, or does the recession have anything to do with it? Deepa picks the latter, “In the current job scenario, we are an insecure lot. The competition is insane; there is a constant need to stay ahead. We work in huge organisations. There is a need to be different and for that, you need to know something extra.”
And rightly enough, the survey has revealed that people spy and pry to gain a competitive edge and corporate security.

Sociologist Shalini George infers, “It is human tendency to be curious about your neighbour’s life. But the recession has caused extreme anxiety. It is bringing out the worst in everyone. The tendency to dig unwanted information and put others in trouble has increased. There is a lot of apprehension about job cuts; people want to ensure their jobs are not at stake.”

But what are the consequences of such activities? “Well, among others, you will lose your job if your seniors even so much as get a whiff of your seedy actions! And secondly, you are infringing on privacy. That is wrong at all levels. People will stop trusting you and will avoid you. Also, this can develop into an addiction,” warns Shalini.

So, what can be done to avoid such situations? Anagha briefs, “A clean-desk policy should be adopted. Also, there should be secluded meeting rooms, paper shredders near printers, password protected PCs that lock if unattended for five minutes and most importantly, personal integrity.”

As for keeping such perpetrators at bay, Ashish offers, “Always look over your shoulder. Don’t give your password even to those you count as friends. Always lock your desk and leave nothing on your table.”

However, systems administrator Ramesh R feels that this survey is just an exaggeration. “People snoop around only for fun. We are intelligent enough to not jeopardise our careers by doing such things,” he opines.

And as for those who are guilty as charged, Deepa laughs, “Pinocchio, you might not be; but nose around too much and it will be there for everyone to see!”

Nice guys earn less than nastier colleagues

Nice guys really do finish last, at least as far as pay packets
Nice guys earn less than nastier colleagues
Nice guys earn less than nastier colleagues (Getty Images)
are concerned.

That’s the conclusion of a new study, which found that men who are pleasant at work get an average of 1,500-pound a year less than those who are more aggressive.

To reach the conclusion, experts looked at the link between personality and pay, reports The Daily Express.

Researchers for the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex claim their study shows that the amiable are on average paid less.

Similar pay penalties applied to other personality traits. Men who were classed as neurotic also earned less than colleagues.

However, males who are seen by bosses as extroverts and open to new experiences are paid the best.

In the study, researchers had grouped the men into five ­personality types: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. They studied 3,000 men aged between 24 and 64.

Researcher Dr Cheti Nicoletti said: “The results show that agreeableness and neuroticism are penalised while extroversion is rewarded.

“While it is generally considered fair that workers who are smarter or better educated are paid more, unequal pay across workers with different personality traits – but who are otherwise identical – could be considered unfair.”

Does your behaviour affect your career?

You are trying to finish an urgent piece of work for a deadline, but the phone interrupts for the fifth time. What do you do?
a) As on the
Behaviour at workplace
Behaviour at workplace (Getty Images)
previous four occasions, answer politely giving the rehearsed company spiel
b) Put the call on hold until you’ve finished your work
c) Ignore it. Someone else will answer it

How do you behave when you’re at a work-social function?
a) You tend not to drink too much and are always on your guard. You never know who’s listening
b) You have a few drinks to
unwind but know your limit. You don’t want any comeback at work tomorrow
c) You relax as you would at any other alcohol-fuelled occasion. Getting drunk with your work-mates is a perk of the job

How would you normally relay a message to a colleague?
a) Walk round to where they’re sitting
b) Send them an e-mail
c) Shout across the room. They only sit about three desks away anyway

What excuse do you use when you’re late for work?
a) It’s usually a genuine one involving delayed transport or having to take the children to school
b) Any one of the classics: ‘My alarm didn’t go off, the dog was sick on my suit, I thought it was a Saturday etc...’
c) I’m never late

Maximum As:
You appear extremely professional.You do your share diligently, following all the rules and etiquettes. It gives your seniors a very good opinion of you and makes you a prime candidate for any promotion.
Maximum Bs:
You understand that there are unwritten rules at work, but you don’t choose to observe them all the time.You’d much rather just do your job and not be bothered with the politics that goes with it.This might give you a healthier work-life balance, but you might not have very healthy chances of promotion. If you want to get ahead, try to re-think your behaviour.

Maximum Cs:
You couldn’t care less — be it appearing professional or follow the unwritten rules at work.You would flout them any way and do whatever you think is convenient. Do you really care for a career? If yes, you better change your behaviour while there is still time.

Dedicated employees have happier home life

Employees who are invigorated and dedicated have a happier home life, according to a new Kansas State University
Dedicated employees have happier home life
Dedicated employees have happier home life (Getty Images)

The researchers studied how positive work experiences extend into family life and facilitate family interactions.

They found that employees who are engaged in their work, which includes higher levels of vigour, more dedication and absorption in daily activities, have better moods and more satisfaction at home.

The research team involved Clive Fullagar, professor of psychology; Satoris Culbertson, assistant professor of psychology; and Maura Mills, graduate student in psychology, Manhattan.

"Our research indicated that individuals who were engaged in positive experiences at work and who shared those experiences with significant others perceived themselves as better able to deal with issues at home, became better companions and became more effective overall in the home environment," Culbertson said.

The researchers tracked 67 extension agents for two-weeks to determine the relationship between daily work engagement and work-to-family facilitation.

The participants responded to two daily surveys, one at the end of their workday and the other immediately before going to bed for the night.

They also completed a separate survey prior to the start of the two-week period and another after the daily data collection had ended.

Culbertson said stress at work and stress at home interact in ways that affect outcomes in both domains.

The study results suggested that engagement is significantly related to daily mood, and mood also is positively correlated with work-family facilitation.

The researchers found that both work engagement and work-to-family facilitation vary considerably from day-to-day.

"Just because an employee might not be invigorated or dedicated to his or her work on a Monday doesn’t mean he or she won’t be engaged on Tuesday or vice versa," Culbertson said.

"Additionally, one’s work can facilitate things at home to a different extent depending on the day and what has happened on that particular day," Culbertson added.

The researchers also found that daily work engagement had a positive effect on family life after controlling for workload - heavy or light work hours were not a factor.

Culbertson stressed that engagement refers to positive work involvement rather than more negative forms of job involvement like workaholism and work addiction, which differ in their effects on home lives.

"Work addicts, or workaholics, have been shown to experience higher levels of work-family conflict. On the contrary, our study showed that higher levels of engagement were related to higher levels of work-family facilitation rather than conflict," Culbertson said.
The research has been presented at the annual conference for Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in New Orleans.